I thought I was being called up to the big leagues when John Burke told me it was time to expand my horizons and become "wildly successful". So I packed my bags caught a plane, and did a tour of the Trek concept stores in Europe. My first stop was at the Trek of Macedonia store. Oddly enough, their clientel consisted mostly of downhillers and bmx guys. Their manager Josh Boxxeropolous demonstrates the necessity of bicycles having more travel than JFK on thanksgiving. Everytime someone asked me for detangler cables they kept saying YEE-ROW. To think we have been calling it something different this whole time. At the end of our shift we ate pine nuts and figs, drank wine, and admired the discontinued Fat Possum and King Fisher.

After an overnight train ride, I arrived at Trek of Oslo. Randi Petorsen and I worked on wheels as he showed me the trick to his TOTAALINEN spoke lacing pattern. I really don't have much to say about working at this shop. Alot of commuters, but I only worked for 5 hours, got free healthcare for a day, and drank beer on the clock. *shrug*
My final Shop stop was at the Trek of Glasgow. Oh so dismal. Rainy conditions allowed this store to function only on rain pants and Trek Portlands. There was a relatively diverse trials section, but there is no way in heck that thing is bringing in any revenue. My Magura rim brake skills were tested and after a night at the pubs I stayed in the basement of a Squat. The mildew was pretty rough to say the least. The 6 hour overnight flight had enough artificial air to force the ergonomic european style back out of my life.