Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Thanks Scott!

Even Corey agrees!
If you suddenly discovered this blog, this posting will seem a little odd. Just check out our archives for details. Anyway back to the topic at hand...
After some technical difficulties with his slide show, Scott Daubert of Trek Bikes fame entertained us with stories of the Discovery/ Postal team and some cool Trek technology.
Here we have Scott re-organizing his 60 plus top secret photos from his five years as the Trek Team Liaison to the Discovery Channel. As of six weeks ago Scott has moved on the Brand Manager for Trek Road Bikes. We are excited to see what the future holds with Scott at the reigns of the Trek Road Marketing Juggernaut!
Scott's talk was awesome if you are a bike geek like I am. We learned that a reduction of 18mm in the bottom bracket will save you a whopping 1;36 over a 50k TT! That will move you from the bottom 1/3 of the pack to a podium position in most Pro races. If anyone from HBO is reading, I have a idea to replace the Sopranos...Belgium Black Money.
I can hear our six rider saying the same thing. But Mike, That's a photo of Ivan Basso wearing a disco kit riding a Cervelo. WHAT GIVES? The answer is easy, my friends. When Basso joined the Disco Squad this year, The boys at Trek (GO SCOTT!) had to prove to Ivan that the Trek Equinox TTX was a stiffer and faster bike. Soooo... They had Ivan get into a low speed wind tunnel and ran some tests and guess what... THE TTX IS FASTER AND BETTER RIDING! Take that you stupid Canadians!
Anyway I digress. Thanks again Scott and you can ride the Paragon any time you want. P.S. I promise to keep T.J. and Adam any from you, or at least to limit them to 1 Q factor question a piece.
Later Kids, I'm Out!

East Coast Free Ride

While Soupie begins the eternal quest for Yinzers riding North Shore, I am on another quest. I want to start a new trend and bring it the for-front of Cycling Culture, EAST COAST FREE RIDING! I want to hear from anyone riding a cross brike on single track. Where do yinz ride? What set-up works best? How do you talk your buddies into converting? Keep me posted!

Monday, April 23, 2007

North Shore


Where are all the d00dz that like north shore stuff and free-riding? I had this d00d come in to the shop tonight and he was possibly the first person I have talked to that is actively building north shore stuff in pittsburgh. Needless to say I was pretty excited.

SOupie, you ride north shore?

No, I do not. I am a huge wuss. I do, however, think it is cool as hell. And the d00d that came in was st0ked on riding NSBS. So, anyone out there into north shore stuff, BMX stuff, or anything. Get in contact with us. We'd love to hear your story. If it is legible and coherent (more so than this blog) we will post it. d00d is gonna bring us pictures of his teeter totters and drop offs. Into touring? We will post your pictures crossing the continental divide. Cyclocross? We will post your picture of you bunnyhopping a barrier. Cross Country afficcionado? We will post pictures of your twistiest single track, and your most technical of rock gardens. Want to give a trail report? Sweet digs, TRM would like to hear it.

Power Training, Product Testing, and the Donkey Whisperer

So it's been a while and we are still here. We have been up to our eyeballs in repairs and new bikes. A little nice weather and everyone decided to come to the bike shop. I did manage to sneek away for a ride with Lola this Saturday and try out some new products. In particular I have been looking forward to really getting some miles on my easy bake oven shoes. THey are the SH-R300, a custom moldable shoe from Shimano.

Needless to say I can easily say that these are the most comfortable road shoes I have ever worn. They are a little shiny for my personal taste. I am from the Johnny Cash school of fashion. They are light, stiff and my feet don't fall asleep.

I also wanted to update our six readers on the Cyclops Powertap. It has been almost a year ofn the SL model and I have no complaints. It is definately worth the additional money for the SL, in just time, reliability, and batteries. It also really helps make good use of your training time when you work witha coaching service like JBVCoaching.com. Lola rides less and is twice as fast as when she trained on her own. If you like to go fast drop these guys a line. THey even have a Coach in the area who understands what it is like to ride here.

We saw a bunch of animals on our road ride. Best of all, we saw a heard of donkeys. I called them over and they actually listened. So from forever forward I will only answer to the Donkey Whisperer. Enjy the photos!

I'm off to Shadyside to listen to Scott Daubert talk and yinz is all dumb if yinz ain't going.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Thue Days starts today and here are the details:

All OLD products are on sale at 20% off

All NEW products are on sale for 10% off

How do you tell what’s old and what’s new?

If you look at the new Thule catalog (it has the lighthouse on the cover and says 2007) all the new products say “NEW!” in the top right corner of the picture.

Other items that are carryovers that we stock include all the fit kits and feet plus the Low Rider and the Spare Me!!!!

We have a lot of the new Thule stuff here in the warehouse, so if we don't have the rack you are looking for, Just ask and we can check stock between all of our stores and the warehouse.