Even Corey agrees!

After some technical difficulties with his slide show, Scott Daubert of Trek Bikes fame entertained us with stories of the Discovery/ Postal team and some cool Trek technology.

Here we have Scott re-organizing his 60 plus top secret photos from his five years as the Trek Team Liaison to the Discovery Channel. As of six weeks ago Scott has moved on the Brand Manager for Trek Road Bikes. We are excited to see what the future holds with Scott at the reigns of the Trek Road Marketing Juggernaut!

Scott's talk was awesome if you are a bike geek like I am. We learned that a reduction of 18mm in the bottom bracket will save you a whopping 1;36 over a 50k TT! That will move you from the bottom 1/3 of the pack to a podium position in most Pro races. If anyone from HBO is reading, I have a idea to replace the Sopranos...Belgium Black Money.

I can hear our six rider saying the same thing. But Mike, That's a photo of Ivan Basso wearing a disco kit riding a Cervelo. WHAT GIVES? The answer is easy, my friends. When Basso joined the Disco Squad this year, The boys at Trek (GO SCOTT!) had to prove to Ivan that the Trek Equinox TTX was a stiffer and faster bike. Soooo... They had Ivan get into a low speed wind tunnel and ran some tests and guess what... THE TTX IS FASTER AND BETTER RIDING! Take that you stupid Canadians!

Later Kids, I'm Out!
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