So it's been a while and we are still here. We have been up to our eyeballs in repairs and new bikes. A little nice weather and everyone decided to come to the bike shop. I did manage to sneek away for a ride with Lola this Saturday and try out some new products. In particular I have been looking forward to really getting some miles on my easy bake oven shoes. THey are the SH-R300, a custom moldable shoe from Shimano.

Needless to say I can easily say that these are the most comfortable road shoes I have ever worn. They are a little shiny for my personal taste. I am from the Johnny Cash school of fashion. They are light, stiff and my feet don't fall asleep.
I also wanted to update our six readers on the Cyclops Powertap. It has been almost a year ofn the SL model and I have no complaints. It is definately worth the additional money for the SL, in just time, reliability, and batteries. It also really helps make good use of your training time when you work witha coaching service like Lola rides less and is twice as fast as when she trained on her own. If you like to go fast drop these guys a line. THey even have a Coach in the area who understands what it is like to ride here.

We saw a bunch of animals on our road ride. Best of all, we saw a heard of donkeys. I called them over and they actually listened. So from forever forward I will only answer to the Donkey Whisperer. Enjy the photos!
I'm off to Shadyside to listen to Scott Daubert talk and yinz is all dumb if yinz ain't going.

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