Saturday, November 03, 2007
Where have all the bullhorns gone?
* Now soupie, why would you talk down on a bicycle that your store not only carries but stocks. I will admit white rims and white riser bars are pretty lame. The sanchez, however has a galvanized frame, The frame of the bike will never die. Now THAT is pretty awesome
In other Urban news, the great Trek Bicycle Making Corporation has released its One world Two Wheels "commitment". In addition to being obsessed with fixed gears, I was also obsessed with being a Hippie. No I didn't listen to the dead and wear Tie Die. I was being careful about not eating or using products with animals in them (or tested on animals) and riding everywhere to cut down on pollution, and played in a band that sang songs about how horrible it is to drop fire bombs on third world countries from air conditioned cockpits.
That was a while ago... I eat cheese now....still play in that band, but now I ride my bike to ride my bike. The statistic are, however, stifiling. We can all nitpick about saving the planet (it is sadly the only one we have right now) and though Trek may have other motives (bling bling) they are totally right.
In my 4 years being involved in the "bike industry" I have had the opportunity to hang with Gary Fisher (the father of Mt. Biking) a couple of times. This is what he had to say about the whole matter and it made complete sense to me.
In more or less words (as close to verbatim as I can recall) the Father said, "I have been riding bikes in Europe and they have bike for everyday stuff. And I just thought they were great, you know? There no reason to drive around the corner to the store, you could ride your bike. Put the kids on the xtracycle and head to the store. You know? You drive the car and it just F---ing sucks, it just sucks. You drive the car to the store and you have to park the thing and you know, the cars get all f---ed up and it takes almost just as long to ride. I'd just rather ride"
So Trek gives you the "commitment" to saving the world (we still just have one) and Gary reminds all of us that 2 wheels = happiness.
So, I will be in a van, traveling from city to city playing songs about people getting there heads blown off and how much that sucks, for two weeks. I will see everyone around Thanksgiving time.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Exclamation Point
The Superfly is coming. This is the lightest production hardtail Fisher has ever made, oh, and it is a 29er .
There are 17.5" completes and 21" completes on the way from Trek Bicycle Corporation. As you are probably not aware. TRM Cycles is the Twentyninest Store in the south hills, with more 29er stuff than we really know what to do with....
The new Carbon Superfly looks, smells, tastes, and rides like the bomb, so chances are it is totally the bomb. You dig?
Several of these are presold, and the 19" frames aren't even available yet.
Get some.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Congrats NICK!
Hot damn!
I would also like to mention, though the month of mud is over, riding your bike in 2007 is not! TRM Cycles has a bunch o winter gear to keep your digits warm and movin'. We have moved to winter hours 11-7 Monday through Friday, 10 - 6 Saturday and 12-4 on steeler sundays!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Joki mountain has been talked about, had it's layout altered, and its overall plan changed multiple times up untill the day of the event. Since this is the official blog post (!!!#@!!!) I will stick to the facts.
Course Description: 3/8ths Rolling grass hills with 2 sets of barriers and a run/ride up. 5/8ths Tehcnical single and double track with a monster climb/walk up.
Ride Time: 1.5 Hours
Weather: Soupie asked for rain, Soupie Got Rain, and it was glorious.
Most laps in shortest time wins.
Course Details: Mass start along a flat. Tight turn to barriers, Short up hill to second set of barriers and about 3 mintues of off camber grass double track. Once you pull out of the grass it is up and over the goat back. Those with mountain gearing rode the hill, those with cross gearing ran up it. The opposite side of the goat back was FAST with a divot to throw those not prepared from their steads! From their you enter the single track. It twisted and turned and was greasy from the fresh rain. In the single track was a rutted double dip of a downhill. TC Rauch did not fair well on this downhill as well as many others. The Single track was medium difficulty on a mountain bike and tough for a cross bike. After a mixture of Rutted Double track, their was a run up that barely had a line. Ferns overlapped the trail and slick rocks jeopardized traction. Outside that set of single track was the Slag Ridge Trail. On the pre-lap it was visually breath taking but in the actual race in was really starting to blur out. The end of this ride took racers through a pine forrest to THE CLIMB With race legs, this thing was a monster. A long walk with your bike.
At the top of this hill was the start line, racers returned to the barriers and off camber grass. This completes one lap.
1 Corey Lev - Team Warehouse (usa)
2 Nick Mosites - Team Warehouse (usa)
3 GW Neal - Team Warehouse (Wash)
4 Rick Joki - Psychos 88 (usa)
5 Sam Kaufman - Psychos 88 (Isr)
Laura Robinson Henninger - Spouse Racing (usa)
It was Great Race for all who survived.
We'll See you all next year!
Friday, August 31, 2007
Transfered to other Concept Stores

I thought I was being called up to the big leagues when John Burke told me it was time to expand my horizons and become "wildly successful". So I packed my bags caught a plane, and did a tour of the Trek concept stores in Europe. My first stop was at the Trek of Macedonia store. Oddly enough, their clientel consisted mostly of downhillers and bmx guys. Their manager Josh Boxxeropolous demonstrates the necessity of bicycles having more travel than JFK on thanksgiving. Everytime someone asked me for detangler cables they kept saying YEE-ROW. To think we have been calling it something different this whole time. At the end of our shift we ate pine nuts and figs, drank wine, and admired the discontinued Fat Possum and King Fisher.

After an overnight train ride, I arrived at Trek of Oslo. Randi Petorsen and I worked on wheels as he showed me the trick to his TOTAALINEN spoke lacing pattern. I really don't have much to say about working at this shop. Alot of commuters, but I only worked for 5 hours, got free healthcare for a day, and drank beer on the clock. *shrug*
My final Shop stop was at the Trek of Glasgow. Oh so dismal. Rainy conditions allowed this store to function only on rain pants and Trek Portlands. There was a relatively diverse trials section, but there is no way in heck that thing is bringing in any revenue. My Magura rim brake skills were tested and after a night at the pubs I stayed in the basement of a Squat. The mildew was pretty rough to say the least. The 6 hour overnight flight had enough artificial air to force the ergonomic european style back out of my life.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Bike Shop News August!
WTB Demo Saddle Program. I have got a PILE of WTB saddles here for yinz to try on yer peddle-cycles. By simply leaving a deposit, you can ride a saddle through the mud, rain, snow, tidal wave, etc. and return it.
You say, "Soupie, TRM's saddle collection usually has a 30 day comfort garauntee? Why demo saddles?" I reply that this is WTB's program, and if you are dumping 60+ bones on a great high end saddle the WTB's are worth the test ride!
In other news, Rick (the professor, the wizard, etc.)is leaving on vacation and the infamous Jordan (Gordan, Gordo) will be covering this week. There is coverage, but on more extensive repairs, please expect delays.
Rick also got repped (repped hard!!!!) on the seven springs website, feast your eyes on an image from 7 years ago!!!!!

Saturday, August 04, 2007
August is HOT HOT HOT
Shop Updates:
Bontrager brakes are in. H0ly Sh1t!!!!
Work orders are down to a week, if you are going on vacation, get them here sooner rather than later.
New Serfas multi tools are in, and they are pretty slick for 15 bucks. Knife with locking blade included.
Sam is riding a century with Dave Kraft in Virginia today so the sunday group ride for the 5th (Tomorrow) is cancelled. Sorry folks. Thursday night rides have still been bumpin', get on one of these rides before the season is over.
We have a bunch of bikes on sale at deeeeeeep discounts. (Road, mountain, aluminum, carbon, full suspension, titanium, disc brakes!!!!)
Danzig 2 Lucifuge
Bob Dylan - Times they are a changin
Jeff Buckley
The Smiths - Singles.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Bontrager Speed Limit Road Brakeset
FSA SLK Brakes 290g $199.99
Sram Force 280g $250.00
Dura Ace Brakes 310g $300.00
Bontrager Speed Limit Road Brakeset 270g $199.99
-Lightweight forged alloy construction keeps brakeset weight down.
-Innovative poweramp linkage provides dual-pivot stopping power in a single pivot design.
-wide cross sextion arms give maximum stiffness and power for a responsive brake feel.
-Backed by a Five Year Warranty
Friday, July 06, 2007
But wait Soupie, the Prologue starts in Britain!
Yes it does, my inner monologue, yes it does.
It seems that this "bike race" thing is being covered on "versus" tv, which is a bummer because i signed up for OLN again.....
I lied, i don't have a TV.
But seriously folks, July is here, the tour is here, lance armstrong is not here, basso bailed, and hopefully no more bags of blood with pet names on them show up anytime soon.
Either way, swing down to the shop and talk bikes with us, i will use my cheat sheet to feign interest in the "tour of france" everyone is so excited about. All sandwhiches at lunch will be eaten with Credit Mayonaise.
Get it? Like lyonaise, the bank that sponsors the tour. Get it?
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Rut Row
Super Sale/Tour mania/Good deals on accessories is coming up in July. HOLY CRAP!!!
Check your mail for mailers n'at.
Stolen from an email a year ago.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Friday, June 15, 2007
Thursday Night Group Ride
Last night's group ride turned out roughly 15 people, trails were super fast with puddles to splash through, 3 paragons, 2 rigs, Adam's Waltworks, Bianchi Cross concept, making this one of the twentyninest group rides we have had yet!
A bunch of d00dz rode demo bikes which Sam brought for everyone in his van, The Gypsy, named after Mr. Paris-Roubaix Himself, Roger De Vlaeminck. Sam upped Roger's 4 Paris Roubaix victories by putting FIVE BICYCLES!!! in his van.
This was quickly shown up by a woman driving a van into the parking lot with, I crap you not, a horse in the back! Leland has a photo on his phone, soon to be uploaded.
Ya, the horse came.
*head shake*
Ride with Mayor Luke Ravenstahl on the new lane!
Join Bike Pittsburgh on Monday, June 18 at 11:00 AM for a kickoff and celebratory ride along the new bike lane and shared lane markings with the Mayor of Pittsburgh, Luke Ravenstahl. We will be meeting at the parklet at Baum Blvd and Liberty Ave at 10:45 AM for a press event and speech by the Mayor. PLEASE RSVP TO if you plan on riding along. An RSVP is not necessary to ride, we just need to get a rough estimate on how many folks to expect. Don’t forget your helmet!
The ride will end at the Church Brew Works. Although we are not footing the bill, join us for lunch afterwards at one of Pittsburgh’s best restaurants. Pierogie Pizza!!
(Repost from Erok of Bike-PGH!)
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Porc is offering a beginner mtb ride in south park at the same time as our Mountain bike ride with Sam Friggin' Kaufman. So in south park, every thursday at 6:00pm there are 2 seperate rides leaving. New to the sport of mountain biking? Check out the beginner ride! It will be at a comfortable pace with no one left behind. Sam's group ride will also not leave anyone behind, however, if you want to hammer, i suggest riding with these guys. Last week, our boy, Jimmy ruffing was putting the hurt on everyone. This week is probably the same.
Trail Conditions from 3:00 pm today : South Park
Tacky, low spots with mud and slick logs and roots.
Friday, June 08, 2007
Rainy Day Bike Shop Poll
Friedman: Friedman likes the Maxxis Holy Rollers for BMX. Dave states, "Accept no substitutes".
Jeffers: Jeffers enjoys the Michelin transworlds, he is rocking the 32c version and claims that "there is minimal water splashback". He and I are both fond of the Reflective sidewall.
Soupie: I like the Vittoria Zaffiro 23c wire bead. This is the pabst blue ribbon of tires. The cheapest I will ride, but still palatable. I like to commute on 23c's, this is my tire.
Sam: Sam likes the Vredrstein Tri Comps, the original. "Some of the Stickyest, Gripiest, high pressure tires out there, Super sticky! Super Sticky!" This is Sam Kaufman's most winningest tire.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
That's All Folks!
We are at the point where we can no longer gaurantee work done for the MS-150 Escape to the Lake. We apologize, however, it is in 3 days. Consider yourself warned!
Perhaps get friendly with Lennard Zinn , the gentle giant.
Friday, June 01, 2007
Maglia Rosa
Well, I am not 100% sure that the entire store will be pink, but there are a couple of d00ds outside (presumably painters) who are painting trim and ledges pink.
Pretty in Pink
Saturday, May 26, 2007
MS 150
We have already started to see a few customers bring in their bikes for the event.
TAKE NOTE!!! These prepared individuals will recieve their bike in time for the event because of propper planning. TRM Cycles will do everything in its power to quickly turn around repairs for the MS 150, however, we are quickly approaching the point where if parts need to be ordered you are S.O.L. or S. out of luck. Please prepare accordingly. I type this and look up at the 13 MS 150 plaques presented to TRM. Please, people, help me help you. Get yer bikes in if they need it...early.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Twenty Niner Revolution
I would like to congratulate? thank? ...whatever.
I am stoked that this d00d Ron picked up a Supa-fly 69er from Trek. He was pretty excited about the way the Maverick Fork felt, he is already a part of the Single Speed Nation so no questions there, and is looking forward to hopping some thick logs on his new horse.
So we are one less bike, but I am still comfortable in saying that TRM Cycles is the Twentyninest (tm) Shop in the South Hills.
If anyone has any good ideas on the "Twentyninest" gang sign for us to through up when we say "twentyninest", please send a digital photograph of it to evanr at trek of pgh dot com . I don't want anything lame, Bettini does that thing in the specialized ad, and it sucks. Nothing like that.
Ok, I have tooted my horn and trashed the competition. I guess that is it for today.
Bob Dylan - times they are a changin'
Guns and Roses - Appetite for Destruction
Mashup crap that Sam Kaufman likes....
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Tired of Automatic Shifting Lemons? Try a Lime!!

As illustrated in this photo, not only are limes the best looking automatic bike out there, they are also automatically shifting themselves out of the store. We cannot keep them in stock. Order 'em up, and we will get you rolling on one in no time at all.
I would also like to give a shout out to all of the Caffiene Club guys heading to D.C. this week. Have fun and take some pictures. The Mount Lebanon Cycling and Caffiene Club has been around since 1988 and has been mostly recognized as "Old guys wearing tight pants". To Horst, Rocky, Bod, Dave, Nick Rossi (not riding his Masi), and anyone that I am missing, have a good time.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Bike to work week!
Soupie: 1 day
Adam: 1 day
Revolution Ron Alloway: 1 day (i don't know if he biked to work parsay, but he rode)
What are you guys doin?
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Sam Friggin' KAUFMAN
In addition to this mountain bike ride, Sam will also lead a Road Ride based out of La Bella Bean coffee in bridgeville. Riders will meet at the coffee shop at 9:00am and the ride will leave promptly at 9:30am. The ride has the possibility of two moderate hill climbs, talking to cows, yelling at horses, and drinking coffee before and after. 2-5 hours in duration with Multiple bailout points. This ride is on country roads, with road conditions from good to awful. The pace will be conversational. Country roads and beautiful scenery.
Call for information and directions. 412-343-6885
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Some say "put the fun between your legs" with a bike, i don't know what they say.
It is only may 6th, and Revolution Ron Alloway already has 6 days on EVERYONE!!!! Soupie can't keep up with the Revolution as far as days in the saddle. Can you?
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Patented Ratio
My mind continues pondering from Frick Park monday, Perhaps I (soupie) will patent my own ratio.
Thus I Publish the Soupie Ratio, On my 29 karate monkey I am running a 32x20 or a 1.6 : 1 ratio aka the Soupie.
It is now common occurence when out singlespeeding with your friends to ask "hey what gear ratio are you running? I am running the soupie!". And when your friends realize that they are running an inferior gear ratio on their 29er (cause no one is friends with anyone who rides 26in wheels anymore) they will swing down to the most twentyninest (a word soon to be patented) shop in the south hills to pick up new chain rings and cogs/freewheels.
We also just recieved the Mark Weir Signature 29er tire the WEIRWOLF!!!!!!! 29x2.55
Not just a 2.5, it is a 2.55!!!!! HOLY SH%T!!!!!!
Thought I'd just keep all yinz in the loop.
Pentagram - Relentless
Dropdead - Dropdead
Avskum - Crucified by the System
Danzig - Danzig II Lucifuge
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Thanks Scott!

East Coast Free Ride

Monday, April 23, 2007
North Shore
Where are all the d00dz that like north shore stuff and free-riding? I had this d00d come in to the shop tonight and he was possibly the first person I have talked to that is actively building north shore stuff in pittsburgh. Needless to say I was pretty excited.
SOupie, you ride north shore?
No, I do not. I am a huge wuss. I do, however, think it is cool as hell. And the d00d that came in was st0ked on riding NSBS. So, anyone out there into north shore stuff, BMX stuff, or anything. Get in contact with us. We'd love to hear your story. If it is legible and coherent (more so than this blog) we will post it. d00d is gonna bring us pictures of his teeter totters and drop offs. Into touring? We will post your pictures crossing the continental divide. Cyclocross? We will post your picture of you bunnyhopping a barrier. Cross Country afficcionado? We will post pictures of your twistiest single track, and your most technical of rock gardens. Want to give a trail report? Sweet digs, TRM would like to hear it.
Power Training, Product Testing, and the Donkey Whisperer

Wednesday, April 18, 2007
All OLD products are on sale at 20% off
All NEW products are on sale for 10% off
How do you tell what’s old and what’s new?
If you look at the new Thule catalog (it has the lighthouse on the cover and says 2007) all the new products say “NEW!” in the top right corner of the picture.
Other items that are carryovers that we stock include all the fit kits and feet plus the Low Rider and the Spare Me!!!!
We have a lot of the new Thule stuff here in the warehouse, so if we don't have the rack you are looking for, Just ask and we can check stock between all of our stores and the warehouse.
Friday, March 30, 2007
Won't be the first, won't be the last.
My bad.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
$60 Closer to Falling off the back...
I got my USCF License. Now I can suck, officially.
But Soupie, Where will you be riding to the fullest extent of your mediocrity?
Nottingham Twp., Washington County, PA
Sundays – April 1, April 15, April 22.
Held Under USCF Permit – pending
Entry - $15.00 includes insurance
Registration begins @8:45am
Race Start
Field limit
Cat. 1, 2, 3 +Masters 40-49
Cat. 4/5+ Masters 50+
Women – open
(Fields may be combined at the promoter’s discretion) * Cash and or prizes to top 3 each race and each Masters group.
* Course description: 4.7 mile circuit, rolling
* USCF license is required.
* All riders must complete and sign 2004 Standard athletes release
* For additional information contact Don Mosites @ (724) 575-4000,
* For more info visit the ACA website at
The race will be held near Mingo Park, which is near 84 PA, which is in
Washington County PA, which is south of Pittsburgh. From interstate 79 take
the Houston exit east on route 519 east towards 84 PA. Follow 519 until you
get to Brownlee road, and turn onto it. There is a Mingo Park sign right in
front of you on Brownlee. Continue on Brownlee about 1/2 mile, then make a
left on Patterson. Follow Patterson all the way to the Mingo Park entrance.
Then follow the signs to the parking lot.
Course Description:
The race will start out on Valley View Rd. (about 200m from Sugar Run Rd.)
heading south and make a right on Sugar Run Rd. A right on Sundust Rd.
then proceed to Green Valley Rd. At the stop sign make a right and then
another right onto Gilkenson Rd. Follow Gilkenson to Patterson Rd.
and make another right. Then back down to Valley View where the
finish line will be.
If you notice, I will also be riding with the Masters 50+. My plan will be to ride Horst Bernhardt's wheel and then take him in the sprint. I got my eye on you Horst!!!!
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
My Bad
In addition to this, Super Sale starts tomorrow. We have a bunch of stuff from Trek that we just got in. More bike are on the way, too. In the hectic warm weather frenzy, a ton of new bikes left the shops to new owners, and a ton of bikes showed up to get some TLC.
Repair wait without special ordered parts is about a week right now. I will continue to keep this time for work updated. The MS-150 is coming up in (yes) many months, but the last 2 weeks of repairs are usually booked up. Be prepared this year, Pittsburgh!
Monday, March 19, 2007
Sweet Dealz
Don't Like getting knee deep in the gears? Bring your bike in for the skilled hands of the Professor. Right now, the $90 tune up plus includes a drive train cleaning, a full tune up, and new cables and housing. Thats $20 of cables and housing included in the price of our Tune Up Plus.
I think its that time again.
I don't know who is going to show up, I don't know if the trails are going to be ridable, I don't even know which bike i am going to ride.
So, everyone call saturday for the last minute details. The basic frame work: 2 hour no drop ride, intermediate terrain, meet at 9 A.M. in the Ice Skating rink parking lot. Just like college, we will wait and extra 15 minutes for the professor before leaving without him.
I am hurting to ride single track, So badly, but if weather is crappy, a cyclocross/road ride might be in order. Stay tuned. We (collectively) are going to have a good season off road this year. If it is too muddy to ride, we will stick to the roads. I don't really see a reason to make girl scout, the VIP trail, or any other trails any wider than they already are.
Scott Daubert is Coming!

So Scott Daubert is coming to Trek of Pittsburgh in Shadyside to give us all a glimpse into life on the bus. He is going to give a two hour talk on Trek's Carbon technology and what it has been like working with the USPS/ Discovery Channel team for the last few years.
If you are as excited as I am to see this talk please RSVP to as seating is exremely limited. Belfore all of you freak on me I just realized that the 23rd is a Monday so come then and not on Wednesday. I kinda leaked this on the TRM blog so all six of you can get seats...
Here is a little more info about Scott if you are unaware:
Scott Daubert has worked for Trek Bicycle since 1992. After graduating from Fort Lewis College in Durango, CO with a degree in English, he worked part-time for Trek as a test rider to develop their full suspension bikes. In 1994, he became the Trek/VW team mechanic and later managed the SAAB and Subaru / Gary Fisher race programs.
In 2002 his title changed to Trek Teams Liaison. His main responsibility is to deliver Trek and Bontrager products to Trek supported teams, namely the Discovery Channel Professional Cycling Team. He has worked at two Olympic Games, attended 60+ World Cup events on 4 different continents, and has followed the Tour de France from start to finish for the past 4 years.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Trail Work Day!!!
Monday, March 12, 2007
Trail Eddiekit
After surviving the first nice weekend in quite a while I found myself compelled to remind everyone about a little trail etiquette. It seems that more than a few users are unaware or have forgotten the rules. I know our Six readers agreeing with me but if you are new, here's a recap.
The ATA ( states that:
Average Trail Travel Speed
Walkers and hikers typically average two to three miles an hour; cyclists might cover seven to 10 miles an hour. The speed limit on the trail is 15 mph.
Also IMBA ( states that:
3. Control Your Bicycle!
Inattention for even a second can cause problems. Obey all bicycle speed regulations and recommendations.
4. Always Yield Trail.
Let your fellow trail users know you're coming. A friendly greeting or bell is considerate and works well; don't startle others. Show your respect when passing by slowing to a walking pace or even stopping. Anticipate other trail users around corners or in blind spots. Yielding means slow down, establish communication, be prepared to stop if necessary and pass safely.
What this means to the average user is that you need to communicate when passing and Slow down and or yeild to other SLOWER trail users.
I do not want to discourage anyone from riding but I also do not want to lose access to a area as nice as the Trail system because other users do not obey the rules.
Later kids, I'm out
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Step it up, Step it in
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Congrats Levi, Boohiss NY Times

Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Same Planet, Different Worlds
Perhaps all six of you at home are saying, "Soupie, your Vegetarian diet causes you to eat more vegetable and your body is just not used to average junk food consumption". I would like to quickly remind those viewers that spending 2 weeks in a van driving around middle america offers little nutrition, especially eating at gas stations in the wee hours of the night.
It all boils down to the superior dollar store. The dollar store has an incredible amount of crap, and there isn't much in this world that will work up a hunger that can only be satisfied with cheap garbage. Lifting boxes, answering emails, talking about how sweet the Descente Aero Tri Suit looks, and wrecking Nick Mosites day really give me a hankering for candy bars, oatmeal cream pies, and 25 cent iced tea.
Tomorow, I return to home base. I trade my "singing black flag at the top of my lungs all the time" for my singing "Paradise by the Dashboard Light once every flash back friday". I will trade my Taco Bell for.....Taco Bell...
Monday, February 26, 2007
Lola's done had an apifaknee
Lola had come to the conclusion that she has a Top 5. Her Top 5 is:
1. Saranac Black Diamond Bock (Limited Edition)
2. Team SlipStream Argyle Jerseys
3. Obsidian Coffee on Avocado Day
4. Cycling on VS. (finally)
5. Two Hour Trainer Rides watching a Dog Whisperer marathon
Later Kids, I'm out...
Sunday, February 25, 2007
My Feet Hurt
Anyway, thanks to all of the employees and all of Our amazing customers, who without them, we would be a not so great store. I hope to see you all again next year when I hope it is even bigger and better.
Later Kids, I'm out.
I am stoked to be working with an extra large posse of Natty Velo employees, and 3 of our reps. It is certainly a dream team.
*please do not give me crap for spelling or poor grammer, it is pretty hectic to be blogging.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
The converted?
To begin, I have run shimano LX, XTR, 105, Ultegra, and only ridden dura ace once for about 7 blocks. I have used, STI, Dual Control, Rapid Fire, and Bar End shifters. I am familiar with the shifting of shimano, the speed of a proper shift, the crispness of an adjusted drive chain, and the performance at different levels. I have a pretty decent grasp on the component groups capabilities.
On my new Bianchi 928 (later to be reviewed) I have been running Campagnolo Centaur 10 speed. I have about 3 hours on the trainer, and about 9 hours on the road with this guy, and I have noticed some differences in the way the bike shifts and the function of the shifters and I have to admit, I'm kinda impressed.
There was some fidgeting with barrels, and small adjustments after the first good ride, but the bike is dialed in. I don't believe I have the narrative skill to write about these components and bring the smell of fresh tomatoes and basil to the air accompanied by the sound of opera music (yeah, just like when your on hold on the phone with Campy), so I will make a brief list of things I really like.
1 Three cogs up, all of them down. So i have the same upshift creative control as shimano, but i can dump a pile of gears. To combat this, most say "When do you need to dump 9 gears" and I say not often, but i can dump three and that happens alot, as well as dumping 6 which doesn't happen often but certainly does.
2 The feel of the hoods. I will admit that I am by no means a roadie, nor do i usually take the comfortable way out when purchasing bike parts, but these things feel good. New Shimano 10 feels good, and Shimano 9 feels pretty alright, too. I am just noting that I like this.
3 The shifting is loud! This is great, I hit the shifter, i can hear the mechanisms, i can hear the chain drop into the gear. I can hear when the indexing is off (boy howdy can you) and I can just can the clicks and noises when I'm droppin all them gears and droppin the hammer.
So, Soupie, you love campy now right? No.
No I don't.
I like it. It is pretty swell, It works great (So far) and riding it is a blast. I enjoy riding my Bianchi 928 for the reasons above.
I can't say that I love it yet. I really think you campy guys need to readjust yourself. I am not talking about guys who prefer to run campy, I'm talking about campagnologists, those guys who eat sleep breath loving campy stuff. I just don't understand your love yet. I really like shimano, and i think that I like campy better. I can never say that I loved shimano, and i don't know if i could ever say i loved campy.
It has like....all this stuff going on that I'm not really excited about, special cables, special routing, but the thing i really can't get over is it has DERAILLEURS!!
Soupie, what about campy track? I Simply respond, are you buying? Are you repacking my hubs? Am I Track racing?
So, This concludes phase one. As the current ambassador to the Campy world from our Campy pro shop TRM CYCLES, I will continue this debate at a later time.
As far as being a Campy Pro shop, we are authorized to work on campy stuff, rebuild shifters, derailleurs, and wheels (depending on their rebuildability, I am not going to relaminate your Ghibli). So, if it brakes call it up!
Friday, February 16, 2007
One Less Car....
So Soupie, Why didn't you call AAA, why didn't you get a jump, why didnt you put an electric blanket on your engine block? I was short on time, I had to go to class (missing was not an option, thanks landlord) and I do not have an electric blanket and extension cord. After making sure my battery was most certainly dead by trying to start my car 10 times, i scrambled to get my stuff together. The ride was frigid, breathtakingly beautiful, and very hard at times. Perhaps i should have titled this "Uphill and into the wind" or "Everything is Frozen, and soon I will be". Riding down second avenue along the river was breath taking, cruising down 88 was frigid, and climbing up becks run road was difficult. Everytime I got out of the saddle, my shell turned into a sail and just pushed on me.
I guess I could sum up most of the ride in describing a situation (that happened during the ride). On carson street, in the long stretch before the blue belt, a line of traffic had accumulated behind me. Usually people will honk or beep if I am not far enough over for them, but today there was slush everywhere except where i was riding and the cars were driving. Neither of us wanted to sink our wheels into the brown road gravy and a line formed. Then I hear honking in the distance, "what's the hold up". Then there was a critical point where all of the cars started passing me. The last car in the line was a Chevy Cavalier with an old woman with bobby pins and the whole works, behind the wheel. She emmitted this short little angry beep. She was passing me, and had to let me know that she was peturbed. So in a fashion comparable to a "bichon" dog barking at me, the old woman reminded me that I was on a bicycle.
That was all that beeb could have done. It wasn't loud enough to scare me, or piss me off. I had to use my own judgement to acknowledge that she was jacked. It just snapped me out of my anarobic daze. *YOU ARE ON YOUR BIKE*
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Ice-Ice Baby...
i do realize it's winter and winter has finally come. i actually am gratefull for the snow; it's supposed to happen after all and that guarantees us a good summer with flowing rivers and streams and full lakes in which to take a dip. and plentiful water supplies, too.
winter is more of a time to reflect and take care of those projects we put off when the weather is "too good not to be out ridin'" and "i'll get to that this winter."
you see, my mood is already swinging for the better, just talking about cycling and reflecting on good times past and those yet to come. plus, our store in the south hills is really looking awesome thanks to all of rick's renovations and handywork. we have more space for bikes and this will really rock when the tune-ups start arriving to get some love from the professor's (aka rick) guilded hands. bikes will all have a place to comfortably rest while awaiting the trusty wrench or the return of their loving owners.
speaking of winter and things to look forward to... our 17th (or thereabouts) annual warehouse sale is coming up sunday the 25th of this month! woo-hoo! this is going to be amazing for everyone involved. customers can't afford to miss out on all the schwag and bikes that are at their lowest prices of the year. and there's no other time that all of our employees work together, side-by-side for an entire day for a united cause. that's pretty cool, especially now that we have four stores and lots of great teammates on board.
well, thanks for reading and letting me write my way to a better mindset. i am looking forward to seeing you at the sale and making plans for our next great ride.
stay safe and warm out there!
over and out- adam (bloomy)
Monday, February 05, 2007
Master Says Faster
2Pho Kim
3The Untouchable
4Pizza Hut
5Clif Blocks - Margarita
1"A Sunday in Hell"
2Westminster Bicycle Swap
4Mooching cycling gear
5 Value Time Corn Bread
1 Really Hot Showers!
2 Sidi Diablo GTX winter boots
3Miles Davis "Bitch's Brew"
4 OX Platinum Steel
5Sleeping in
Mike H
1Being a proud member of the 2% club
2The biggest warehouse sale in history
3Being one less car
4Toe Warmers
5Getting the bomb dropped on you
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Cannons were fired but no one was killed
That being said, for the first time in a very long time, I am really getting excited about this February! The warehouse sale is shaping up to be the largest in history. We have made some really excellent additions to the TOP family (Welcome TJ, Travis, Bonnie, Janet, Blockhead, Dub, Justin, and Tight Pants) . Shadyside gets closer everyday and should open any day now. It should the nicest and the highest end store in six area codes. Cranberry is open and the staff are starting to lose the deer in the headlights look.
I am also really looking forward to working with local boys on the Fisher 29er team this year (Go Travis and TJ). I am also looking forward to cheering and supporting Lola in her endurance goals.
anyway, 2007 is here and I for one am really excited. I hope yinz stop by and see all of the great thing happening at TRM and the rest of the TOP family. I think you will be really impressed.
Later kids, I'm out.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
I may have been an actual fat kid for most of my life, but now I (and krystina as well) am strictly a Glutton, with a minor case of Sloth. Racing or being fast in general, has never really been my forte` until i started eating vegetarian/vegan. Combining this with fast music and a supposedly active lifestyle has allowed me to shed those pounds and consider racing, at which I am Doomed. Now 3 of you at home are going, aw soupie what does that matter your fine. NO. Stop, this shows on a miniature level that I lack the Discipline to even consider structuring my life around serving sizes let alone ride times and heart rates.
The TRM/TOP race squad was out in almost full force sunday at Bavington and i don't think i have the Cajones to do this. This might take hard work! Something I do not deal well with. I have been getting increasingly more and more interested in Cyclocross racing, So much that i would consider racing at the oval this summer to get into shape for it. In addition to this, Laura (Mike's unentertainable/"hot" wife ) wanted to know/thought I was interested in doing the wilderness 101 with her. In addition to the previous addition, Jim Ruffing wants someone to go to the Burn 24 Hour Challenge in NC with him and ride duo (if anyone on the internet is interested riding with Jim in NC call the shop 412-343-6885).
I hate to show my cycling weakness on the internet, where I must be the Internet Cycling Overlord Admin Czar, but I do not know the second thing about racing ( I will admit, I probably know the first things). So perhaps, to pad the pages of our blog while Mike and Adam are busy trying to run stores, I will Document Weird Gadgets and other doo-dads and goobli gobs, and stuffs from training....
Worth a Shot i guess....More to come after I wolf down this pile of breadsticks from the pizza company.
Friday, January 26, 2007
My two Cents
Hi Everyone in Cyberspace, I'm Mike
I would like to share a little about myself. I am a bike geek in every sense of the word. When I am not working at a bike shop, I am reading about cycling on the internet, or I am talking about cycling with co-workers and friends, and if that doesn't work out then I plan building bikes in my head. I even have a special Excel spreadsheet that I can use and save it to view later.
now that I have shed a little light on the true geek within, I decided to build the craziest bike I could this past fall. A quick trip to the garage netted me enough parts to build a Single Speed Cyclocross bike. I ordered a Surly Cross Check and added a collection of Campy Record parts, a vintage set of WTB dirt drops, and a most riduculous set of deep disk carbon wheels. To make a long story short I ended up with a bike where the frame cost as much as the brake set and the wheel cost twice as much as the rest of the bike.
Yesterday i took insane to a whole new level when I switched out the WTB 700 x 32 tires for a new set of Bonty 29 x 1.8 mountain tires. I created Frankenstein's monster truck! I am planning on riding circles around Soupie at Bavington this weekend (don't tell Soupie). I hope to have some picutes up soon, as soon as I figure out how the he double hockey sticks how to do it.
I'm out, later kids

a blOg for me to contriBute to? wowZers! i am gonNa spill my brAin juice all over this screen for those who wish to lap up said spillAge of verBage. good tiMes i hOpe...
i lOve to ride bikes, tAlk bikes and wOrk on bikes. roAd, trAil, rAil-trAil, whAtever. bikeing = aweSome for blOOmy.
come see us at the shop. come ride with us on the trails (just ask us when and where). contribute whenever you'd like in any way you would like.
as i say lately... read. ride. repeat.
Not to be a jerk or nothing.
In addition to being a jerk about new toys,
We are the 29er superstore of the south hills. We have Kenda Nevegalls 29 x 2.1's coming in today on transfer. This will continue to add to our selection of 29er tires, as we also have more bontrager Jones acx tires on the way, and the selection of WTBs and Michelins in stock currently. On top of the 5-8 29ers we keep in stock at all times.
There after a merciless plug, pimping such quality material goods, I can retire from the blog for a day. We have made some progress. Adam has posted, and we have upgraded to the New Blogger Powered by Google, and it only took us a half an hour.